RESOLUTION: Political Independence and Power for the Minnesota Nurses Association

The following draft resolution for Minnesota Nurses Association was submitted to official review on July 15th, 2020. The resolution can be changed should unions or Locals other than MNA wish to adopt the measure and build independent rank and file political power. The MNA Delegate conference will be held this fall.


Political Independence and Power for the Minnesota Nurses Association 

July 15, 2020: DRAFT COPY – Discussion to follow 

Political Independence and Power for the Minnesota Nurses Association 

 WHEREAS: The strength of our union is based on an organized, united, and mobilized membership; and

 WHEREAS:  All effective movements historically have been based on building collective and independent power to compel change politically and in the workplace; and 

 WHEREAS: Over decades, organized labor drifted from these principles into attempts to negotiate influence through alliances and gifts to dominant politicians and political parties; and 

 WHEREAS: These strategies have not grown union membership, increased union power in the workplace, weakened corporate influence in health care, addressed racial disparities in any significant way, nor affected the long retreat union labor has endured for decades; and 

 WHEREAS: Corporations have dominant influence within two political parties while working class people currently have no political organization of our own. 

 WHEREAS: The relationship of organized labor to the two dominant political parties has divided our membership, enforced a misplaced perspective that change will come from above, weakened our identification as nurses and workers, and prohibited the formation of a genuine worker’s party; and 

 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Minnesota Nurses Association commits to building independent political power and strengthening membership unity, and 

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT:  As of January 1, 2021, MNA will no longer donate funds to political candidates, political action committees, nor any other funding vehicle associated with the Republican and Democratic Parties.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: As of of January 1, 2021, MN will not endorse or donate labor or other in-kind services to political candidates, political action committees, or any other funding vehicle associated with the Republican and Democratic Parties or their candidates. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: MNA will promote political independence through the Minnesota AFL-CIO and join with workers and community members across the State who are engaged in the same. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: MNA will build our influence in political arenas through organizing, demonstrating, building our own independent candidates, strikes, and crafting laws that build power for union members and the larger working class in health care across Minnesota and the United States.