Spend more time working, less time talking…Trump Works Harder Than You, it’s your fault your CEO outsourced your job.
This past week has revealed yet another set of smoke in mirrors deception levied against the working person by the upcoming presidential administration.
Through the media president-elect Donald Trump lauded himself through claims that he through his savvy business acumen was able to negotiate terms agreements between Carrier Enterprises and the soon to be administration that would retain 1,100 Carrier jobs that were slated to be shipped to Mexico. Though a deal where Carrier stands to see $7M in tax breaks over the next ten years, according to Trump, the company has agreed to retain those 1,100 jobs, saving the livelihood of 1,100 workers, and further reinforcing the almighty and omnipotent station of the loving Trump.
Well imagine that. Yet another thing said by Trump has proven to be little more than a bunch of hot gas meant only to elicit cheers from those of us with dry wall dust on our boots, blood spatter on our scrubs, or what whatever brand of general filth working people might accumulate during their day to day toil.
If February, corporate officials at Carrier announced they would move 1,300 jobs to Mexico, a move that would save the company $65M in pesky worker salary and benefits. Expectantly, the president of the United Steel Workers Local 1999, Chuck Jones, took issue with this and sought out to negotiate the terms of this castration. “Over the next several months, my team and I worked tirelessly to keep Carrier in our city. We came up with $23 million in savings, but the Carrier brass said that wasn’t enough. They could save $65 million by moving to Mexico. Our union offered Carrier ‘what would it take to keep you here’ and they said, ‘there is nothing you could do to keep us here unless you would work for under $5 an hour.” Jones said.
Then from the heavens descends the almighty too long tie wearing The Trump. Swooping in with his flaming sword of business, he secured the deal with Carrier and wasted no time talking about it to the news.
However, when Jones saw the footage of The Trump he felt something was amiss. To use Jones’ exact words Tump “lied his ass off”. “When I met with Carrier officials last Thursday, I realized that that wouldn’t be the case. Though Trump said he’d saved 1,100 jobs, he hadn’t. As opposed to initial claims by The Trump and the United Steelworkers that 1,100 jobs would be saved, only 730 production jobs and 70 maintenance jobs out of 1,400 current positions would remain in Indianapolis. The deal also sanctions the shutdown of Carrier’s Huntington, Indiana, plant and the elimination of 700 more jobs. Carrier told us that 550 people would get laid off. Trump didn’t tell people that, though. When he spoke at our plant, he acted like no one was going to lose their job. People went crazy for him. They thought, because of Trump, I’m going to be able to provide for my family. All the while, I’m sitting there, thinking that’s not what the damn numbers say. Trump let people believe that they were going to have a livelihood in that facility. He let people breathe easy. When I told our members the next day, they were devastated. In addition, Trump promised the UTC boss, Gregory Hayes, that he would “reform” federal tax codes and regulations that would allow Hayes “to print money.”
As per The Trump’s typical strategy after being told things like China starts with a “Ch” not a “G”, grabbing women by the pussy is poor chivalry, and that opinions espoused on Twitter don’t simply disappear because you’re debating someone in a pantsuit; The Trump took to twitter to lambast Jones and his stupid peasant opinion on what numbers actually mean and what constitutes the true. Tweeting, “Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!” and, “If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana. Spend more time working-less time talking. Reduce dues.”
That last Tweet really flows off the tongue doesn’t it? Goes down smooth like Jello brand chocolate pudding laced with Ketamine (too soon?). Here we have a man with a net worth somewhere in the realm of $3.6 Billion (with a B) lambasting a man who makes fractions of a cent to that of The Trump for his work ethic. The Trump once claimed $1.9M for consulting services, more scratch than Jones has probably seen through his lifetime…but The Trump is the one working hard.
Carrier is just the beginning. The Trump can’t go more than 48 hours without taking a giant shit in the mouth of a working single mother, line technician, EMT, nurse, or carpenter. The Trump has recently announced his nomination for Secretary of Labor to be Andrew Puzder, CEO of the restaurant company CKE that oversees franchises such as Hardees and Carl’s Jr.
A vocal opponent of the fight for $15/hr, overtime pay, and the Affordable Care Act Puzder is an advocate for reducing the burden of paying employees in any sort of capacity for anything at all if it can be avoided. Puzder once stated that working people don’t want pay raises because they’re afraid of losing government benefits. Talking to Fox and Friends Puzder said:
“The policy guys call it the "Welfare Cliff," because you get to a point where if you make a few more dollars you actually lose thousands of dollars in benefits. And, quite honestly, these benefits are essential for some people. They are how they pay their rent; they are how they feed their kids. So, what happens is, we have people who turn down promotions or, if minimum wage goes up, they want fewer hours. They want less hours because they are afraid they'll go over that cliff.”
Oh isn’t that sweet of you Mr. Putzdick? You’re just trying to save us from that scary cliff.
Puzder has even entertained the idea of totally replacing his workforce with robots because as he puts it:
“They're always polite, they always upsell, they never take a vacation, they never show up late, there's never a slip-and-fall, or an age, sex, or race discrimination case.”
I guess he’s right. I mean with a staff of robots you can get fresh extra crispy fries without having to look at a dark skinned person, or without ever hearing a complaint about pussy grabbing.
He may be saying that he wants to optimize the customer experience, but let’s not be fooled. Paying people to do things means he can’t pay himself, which of course is the purpose of all CEO’s…make as much profit as fast as possible.
Puzder opposes guaranteeing overtime for poorly-paid salaried employees, such as the men and women who manage his restaurants. Speaking to the OC Register in 2014, Puzder also complained that California law was too strict about rest and meal breaks for employees. Along with California’s overtime laws and minimum wage, he cited these requirements as a reason to halt expansion of CKE Restaurants in the state. Make no mistake, Puzder and all of his CEO cadre hate you. They hate you because you take from them what is rightfully theirs.
So far, the Trump cabinet has a combined net worth of over $14 billion. Their wealth and their policies place them in direct conflict with the interests of the American working class. Steve Mnuchin, a former Goldman-Sachs executive responsible for a pandemic of foreclosures, has been tapped as Secretary of the Treasury. And representative Tom Price, a proponent of massive cuts in health care, has been selected to head the Department of Health and Human Services. At the same time, Trump continuing and deepening the policies of the Obama administration. Obama allowed Wall Street to choose key members of his cabinet. He supported bank bailouts while leaving workers to contend with underwater mortgages and foreclosures. He spearheaded the assault on wages through the bankruptcy of the auto companies, and his principle domestic initiative—the Affordable Care Act—served to shift costs of health care from corporations and the state onto individuals.
Now after that rant I need a drink…or a pistol…or both.