Mission Statement

WDTW is an independent organization of workers, unemployed and veterans. We see the highest task of the working class as building an alternative to the world dominated by the global 1%.  We view the necessity for the working class of all races, nationalities, genders, and sexual orientations to take power for the common benefit of all.

We Do The Work aims to build a platform for the poor, the oppressed, the wage earners, and the exploited to speak our truths and to offer an alternative to racism, and the bankrupt, passive approaches of contemporary labor organizing that have so thoroughly gutted our country and class, and that have emboldened the rich to take even more for themselves.  

WDTW builds around the following perspectives:

1. That Republicans and Democrats are political parties of the 1%, and despite minor differences, both Parties accept that the rich are the rightful decision makers of all world and domestic affairs.

2. That we, the working class, need an independent voice, strategy and political organizations of our own.  We aim to build connections with each other for mutual aid, the exchange of ideas, and to strengthen our identity as workers.  

3. That the systemic institutions of racism, sexism and nationalism have throttled our black, brown, and red sisters and brothers to divide and conquer all for the benefit of to white supremacy and capitalism.

4. That the “Partnership” of the union leadership to Wall Street has catastrophically failed, and has to be confronted by the militancy, audacity, courage that lifted us all above slavery and indentured servitude in our working class history.

5. That the working class, organized, unionized and otherwise, has the ability and historic duty to create a world of sustainability, justice, and economic democracy for the benefit for all, and that power cannot be shared with a class of idle, racist and wealthy exploiters. The future will be determined by the degree that the 99% can take democratic and collective, shared power.

To this end We Do The Work will do our best to create an authentic, open, human and approachable platform for the working people of Colorado, the United States, and where we can, the world